For agents developers
Sentience SDK is designed to be compatible with OpenAI’s client libraries, making it easy to use your existing workflows but with an added benefit of prooving that the inference was made as is.
This API does not support streaming yet.
Sentience repository is open-source
Sign up to get an API key
- Create an account here
- Create an API key on the dashboard
Install the Python SDK
Call the verified inference API
Run the following code
Get history of all your verified inference calls
Get history of all verified inference calls
Get history for one verified inference call
(Optional) Open the explorer to see the history
Explorer shows all the verified inference calls done on Galadriel platform.
Explorer Detailed View shows all the details for one verified inference call
What’s next?
- To see more details about sentience SDK, check out the open-source repository
- To see more details about the API check out the full API docs
- To see how it all works How TEE Works
- To see how to verify the signatures Verify Signatures
- To see how to verify the attestation Verify Attestation