AgentRuntime Class Documentation


The AgentRuntime class provides the runtime environment for executing agent workflows. It manages the lifecycle of agent execution, including input processing, payment validation, response generation, and output delivery.

Class Definition:


  • inputs (List[AgentInput]):

    • Description: A list of AgentInput objects. These define the sources from which the agent receives messages.
    • Requirement: Each AgentInput object must implement the start method, which pushes messages to a queue for processing.
  • outputs (List[AgentOutput]):

    • Description: A list of AgentOutput objects. These define the destinations to which the agent sends responses.
    • Requirement: Each AgentOutput object must implement the send method, which delivers a response message to its destination.
  • agent (Agent):

    • Description: An Agent object that represents the core intelligence of the system.
    • Requirement: This object must implement the execute method, which processes a single request and generates a response.
  • pricing (Optional[Pricing], defaults to None):

    • Description: An optional Pricing object that defines the cost of using the agent and the wallet address to which payments should be sent.
    • Default: If None, no payment validation is performed.
  • debug (bool, defaults to False):

    • Description: A boolean indicating whether debug mode is enabled. In debug mode, additional logging information is printed.
  • enable_logs (bool, defaults to False):

    • Description: A boolean indicating whether logging is enabled. When enabled, logs are exported to the Galadriel platform.


  • inputs (List[AgentInput]): Stores the input sources for the agent.
  • outputs (List[AgentOutput]): Stores the output destinations for responses.
  • agent (Agent): Stores the agent implementation being used.
  • pricing (Optional[Pricing]): Stores the payment configuration, if required.
  • spent_payments (Set[str]): A set to keep track of already processed transaction signatures to prevent duplicate processing.
  • debug (bool): Flag to enable debug mode for more verbose logging.
  • enable_logs (bool): Flag to enable log exporting.


__init__(self, inputs: List[AgentInput], outputs: List[AgentOutput], agent: Agent, pricing: Optional[Pricing] = None, debug: bool = False, enable_logs: bool = False)

Initializes the AgentRuntime with input sources, output destinations, an agent implementation, pricing configuration, debug mode flag, and enable logs flag.


Starts the agent runtime loop, continuously processing incoming requests.

_run_request(self, request: Message)

Processes a single request through the agent pipeline, handling payment validation, agent execution, and response delivery.

_get_memory(self) -> List[Dict[str, str]]

Retrieves the current state of the agent’s memory.

_generate_proof(self, request: Message, response: Message) -> str

Generates a cryptographic proof of the request and response.

_publish_proof(self, request: Message, response: Message, proof: str)

Publishes the cryptographic proof.

Data Types:

  • List[AgentInput]: A list of objects conforming to the AgentInput interface.
  • List[AgentOutput]: A list of objects conforming to the AgentOutput interface.
  • Agent: An object conforming to the Agent interface.
  • Optional[Pricing]: An optional Pricing object with the following attributes:
    • cost (float): The cost of the task in SOL.
    • wallet_address (str): The Solana wallet address where payment should be sent.
  • bool: A boolean value (True or False).
  • Message: An object with the following attributes:
    • content (str): The content of the message.
    • conversation_id (Optional[str], defaults to None): An optional conversation ID.
    • type (Optional[str], defaults to None): An optional message type.
    • additional_kwargs (Optional[Dict], defaults to None): An optional dictionary of additional keyword arguments.