This quickstart covers two things:

  1. Deploying an AI app to the Galadriel devnet
  2. Calling your deployed AI app and viewing the results


  • A Galadriel devnet account. We recommend creating a new EVM account for development purposes.
  • Some devnet tokens on the account you are using.
  • node and npm installed on your machine.

Deploying a contract on Galadriel devnet


devnet tokens

Get yourself some devnet tokens from the faucet.


Clone repository

Clone the repo that contains Galadriel example contracts and the oracle implementation.

git clone
cd contracts/contracts

Setup environment

Use the template.env file to create a .env file:

# Starting in repo root
cp template.env .env

Then, modify the .env file:

  • Set PRIVATE_KEY_GALADRIEL to the private key of the account you want to use for deploying the contracts to Galadriel devnet.
  • Set ORACLE_ADDRESS to the current devnet oracle address provided by Galadriel team: .

Install dependencies

Install the dependencies using npm:

# In repo root -> /contracts
npm install

Deploy contract to devnet

The quickstart contract can be deployed with a simple script:

npm run deployQuickstart

The output of the script will show the deployed contract address. Store this and export it in terminal to call the contract later:

# Replace with your own contract address

Calling your contract


  • You’ve deployed the quickstart contract in the previous step, and stored the contract address.

Execute the following command to run a script that calls the deployed contract:

npm run callQuickstart

The script will interactively ask for the input (DALL-E prompt: what image should be generated) and then call the contract with the input. The output, when ready, will be printed to the console.

If this step fails, make sure you have set the QUICKSTART_CONTRACT_ADDRESS environment variable to the address of your deployed contract.

You’re done! You’ve successfully created and called your own on-chain AI app.

What’s next?