In this tutorial, we’ll build a simplified LLM contract using Solidity on Galadriel (Devnet).

We’ll use GPT-4-turbo. To use a different LLM like Claude-3.5-Sonnet, Mistral7B, or any other LLM available with teeML follow through with the tutorial and find code references in the end.

To build an LLM with chat history, a.k.a chat bot, visit Calling an LLM: advanced.


To deploy the contract and interact with it, you will need:

  • A Galadriel account. For more information on setting up a wallet, visit Setting Up A Wallet.
  • Some tokens for gas fees. Get Galadriel Devnet tokens from the Faucet.
  • Go through Quickstart to set up the local dev environment and run the first example.


Full contract code is below. The same simplified LLM contracts are also available in the contracts folder. We will use GPT-4-turbo example here and go over each variable and function below.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "./interfaces/IOracle.sol";

contract OpenAiSimpleLLM {
    address private oracleAddress; // use latest:
    IOracle.Message public message;
    string public response;
    IOracle.OpenAiRequest private config;

    constructor(address initialOracleAddress) {
        oracleAddress = initialOracleAddress;

        config = IOracle.OpenAiRequest({
            model : "gpt-4-turbo", // gpt-4-turbo gpt-4o
            frequencyPenalty : 21, // > 20 for null
            logitBias : "", // empty str for null
            maxTokens : 1000, // 0 for null
            presencePenalty : 21, // > 20 for null
            responseFormat : "{\"type\":\"text\"}",
            seed : 0, // null
            stop : "", // null
            temperature : 10, // Example temperature (scaled up, 10 means 1.0), > 20 means null
            topP : 101, // Percentage 0-100, > 100 means null
            tools : "",
            toolChoice : "", // "none" or "auto"
            user : "" // null

    function sendMessage(string memory _message) public {
        message = createTextMessage("user", _message);
        IOracle(oracleAddress).createOpenAiLlmCall(0, config);

    // required for Oracle
    function onOracleOpenAiLlmResponse(
        uint /*runId*/,
        IOracle.OpenAiResponse memory _response,
        string memory _errorMessage
    ) public {
        require(msg.sender == oracleAddress, "Caller is not oracle");
        if (bytes(_errorMessage).length > 0) {
            response = _errorMessage;
        } else {
            response = _response.content;

    // required for Oracle
    function getMessageHistory(
        uint /*_runId*/
    ) public view returns (IOracle.Message[] memory) {
        IOracle.Message[] memory messages = new IOracle.Message[](1);
        messages[0] = message;
        return messages;

    // @notice Creates a text message with the given role and content
    // @param role The role of the message
    // @param content The content of the message
    // @return The created message
    function createTextMessage(string memory role, string memory content) private pure returns (IOracle.Message memory) {
        IOracle.Message memory newMessage = IOracle.Message({
            role: role,
            content: new IOracle.Content[](1)
        newMessage.content[0].contentType = "text";
        newMessage.content[0].value = content;
        return newMessage;


To get started, import all of the required interfaces. This gives the oracle the correct data structure.

import "./interfaces/IOracle.sol";

If you don’t have the IOracle.sollocally, you can also import it via GitHub like this:

import "";


The address of the teeML oracle on Galadriel: .

This needs to be passed in when deploying the contract. For more information on how it works, click here.

address private oracleAddress;

The message variable will store the user input.

IOracle.Message public message; // example: tell me about cats

The oracle will store the response in the response variable.

string public response; // example: cats are...

The config variable will store the LLM configuration. The example uses configuration for OpenAI LLMs.

IOracle.OpenAiRequest private config;


As mentioned, we’ll set the oracle address when deploying the contract, so this needs to be an input for the constructor.

We’ll also set the LLM config in the constructor. These will be parameters such as model, temperature, seed etc. For more information, visit OpenAIRequest object.

constructor(address initialOracleAddress) {
    oracleAddress = initialOracleAddress;

    config = IOracle.OpenAiRequest({
        model : "gpt-4-turbo", // gpt-4-turbo gpt-4o
        frequencyPenalty : 21, // > 20 for null
        logitBias : "", // empty str for null
        maxTokens : 1000, // 0 for null
        presencePenalty : 21, // > 20 for null
        responseFormat : "{\"type\":\"text\"}",
        seed : 0, // null
        stop : "", // null
        temperature : 10, // Example temperature (scaled up, 10 means 1.0), > 20 means null
        topP : 101, // Percentage 0-100, > 100 means null
        tools : "",
        toolChoice : "", // "none" or "auto"
        user : "" // null

Send Message Function

A public function to initiate the LLM inference. In this example, our function sendMessage accepts a string _message.

Notice the message variable is not sent to the oracle with createOpenAiLlmCall, but rather stored on the same contract. This is done by the helper function createTextMessage.

The oracle will instead read getMessageHistory (next step) from this contract to retrieve the message history. This reading (instead of writing) will save on gas and storage.

createOpenAiLlmCall will call an oracle with the following parameters

  • 0 an id to keep track of the message and it’s response (runId in later tutorials)
  • config set in the constructor
function sendMessage(string memory _message) public {
    message = createTextMessage("user", _message);
    IOracle(oracleAddress).createOpenAiLlmCall(0, config);
function createTextMessage(string memory role, string memory content) private pure returns (IOracle.Message memory) {
    IOracle.Message memory newMessage = IOracle.Message({
        role: role,
        content: new IOracle.Content[](1)
    newMessage.content[0].contentType = "text";
    newMessage.content[0].value = content;
    return newMessage;

Read Message Function

The getMessageHistory function is used by the orcale to retrieve the message history, or in this case the only user sent message.

In order for the oracle to properly read the message history, the function

  • Must be called getMessageHistory
  • Must be a public view function for the oracle to call
  • Must return type IOracle.Message[]
  • Include unint parameter to keep track of the user message to respond to (we hardcoded this to 0)
function getMessageHistory(
    uint /*_runId*/
) public view returns (IOracle.Message[] memory) {
    IOracle.Message[] memory messages = new IOracle.Message[](1);
    messages[0] = message;
    return messages;

In this example, the contract is returning a list of messages of length 1. To have a longer message history (for a chat bots), loop through and return a list of messages. For this go to Calling an LLM: advanced.

LLM Response Callback Function

Once the oracle reads the message, it will forward it to teeML to get a response from the LLM.

After LLM returns the response to teeML, it gets pushed on-chain back to oracle, and from there the oracle calls onOracleOpenAiLlmResponse callback function in your contract.

  • The funciont must be called onOracleOpenAiLlmResponse
  • Include unint parameter to keep track of the user message to respond to (we hardcoded this to 0)
  • Includes parameter IOracle.OpenAiResponse with the correct response
  • Includes parameter errorMessage if an error occurs
function onOracleOpenAiLlmResponse(
    uint /*runId*/,
    IOracle.OpenAiResponse memory _response,
    string memory _errorMessage
) public {
    require(msg.sender == oracleAddress, "Caller is not oracle");
    if (bytes(_errorMessage).length > 0) {
        response = _errorMessage;
    } else {
        response = _response.content;

To ensure that only the oracle contract can send back the response.

require(**msg**.sender == oracleAddress, "Caller is not oracle");

The contract then sets response to the response from the oracle (or error message if failed).


After the oracle responds, anyone can access the value by reading the response variable.

string response; // tell me about cats

Cats, scientifically known as Felis catus, are…

What’s Next?

Congratulations on building your first LLM smart contract.

Explore further:

Happy building!